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For simplicity, I'm combining Arcade and Console games here, although the two are seperate. Arcade games are one system that are usually dedicated to one game such as Pac-Man whereas console games are a system such as the original Nintendo that can play many games.

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My first intoduction to video games was when my family got an Atari 2600 for Christmas back in 1982. I spent hours playing Combat, Pac-Man, Bezerk, MegaMania, and Pitfall just to name a few. Looking back now, it's hard to believe or understand how such simple looking graphics and games could keep us entertained. But, when I look back, it was definitely a fun time and a system that helped start a new era of games.

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Around the same time as the Atari, Pac-Man started to gain popularity. Pac-man was much better than any game on the Atari because it had more brilliant graphics and colors which require more memory. I started to go through an arcade phase that started with Pac-Man, but the truth is that for me Pac-Man defined the entire arcade craze. I did play other games such as Ms. Pac Man, but I put countless time and money into Pac-Man and it holds a special place in my childhood. As recently as college, I started to play Galaga heavily. And most recently I've been playing Kung Fu Master.

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Nintendo took home console gaming to another level. Atari may have started the popularity, but I believe the original Nintendo is still the most popular to date. Granted, the console games of today are much better, but ironically I think less people play them due to popular computer gaming titles and the Internet. I was one of the last people to get a Nintendo, but I definitely made up for lost time by winning favorite titles such as Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda I and II, and Punchout. The Legend of Zelda II and Punchout are still outstanding games to this day in my mind.

I've played other systems such as the Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64, but I don't have as many fond memories with those systems. And there will be more systems coming out in the future. My hope is that multi-player console games will replace computer games of today. Stay tuned.