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Other Sports

Flag Football
Trane sponsered a flag football league in the Spring of 2001 which I took part in. It was so much fun because it gave me an opportunity to realize to a degree the aspirations I had growing up to play football without a good chance of getting hurt. I thought I would make a good quarterback since I had a decent arm from pitching in baseball.

It was only a company league and I was far from perfect, but it was a lot of fun and I did pretty well. We finished 2nd in the regular season out of 7 teams and 2nd in the tournament. A different team won the league and tournament and our team had the best overall record and season.

Ping Pong
In the summer before college and during collge, I played a fair amount of ping pong and I got pretty good at it. I got to play more ping pong when I first started at Trane during breaks and lunch and I played some at home. I'm not a professional by any means, but compared to the average person and player, I do quite well. I'd like to participate more if I could ever find a faciliity and players to play.

I've played several rounds of darts lately and I specifically like to play Cricket. I haven't played serious darts, but one time I did go to a bar and my team got 3rd place and a $5 prize in a small tournament.

Trane sponsers a softball league every summer. I played in the league for the first 4 years, but it just wasn't very much fun to me. I think after so many years of baseball, it's hard to get excited about a slower version of the sport.

Every so often I'll go bowling with friends. I'm not very good at bowling, but during one spurt of playing, I got lucky and bowled a 216 which is an outrageously high score for me. During my best stint, I bowled an around an average of 150, but normally I probably bowl around 115.

Golf wrecks the bell curve of my athletic performance. I thought I would be a good golf player since I was pretty good at hitting a moving ball in baseball. I figured that hitting a stationary ball would be pretty easy.

For a while, I was doing pretty well at golf. My drives were good as the ball would go far and straight. But, my short game was very poor. Then, whenever I was able to improve my short game, my drives would abruptly and mysteriously suffer.

I was never able to play consistent and I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because I started playing golf so late; maybe it's because my baseball swing and habits interfere in a negative way; or I could just need lessons or coaching. I stopped playing whenever the local driving range closed down. I've heard another facility has opened, but I'm not sure when I'll ever want to play again. Golf is more expensive than other sports.