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Mud Volleyball

In the Summer of my first year working for the Trane Company in 1996, I was invited to play in an annual mud volleyball tournament for epilepsy in Nashville. The tournament hosts anywhere from 50 to 100 teams to raise money and have fun playing mud volleyball. I've been going back to this tournament every year since that first year and it is always a lot of fun. In fact I probably have more fun on that single day compared to any other day of the year - especially if my team performs well.

To date, my team from the Summer of 2001 has been the best team I've played with as we placed 3rd out of 65 teams. Next year, I'd like to look into traveling to more tournaments out of state because the worst part of mud volleyball is that it's only one day. I'd like to play in at least two or three tournaments a year instead of the one.

Visit my 2001 team Rubber Ducky page.